Top 5 uPVC Window Profiles

Halo uPVC Windows Suffolk

Top 5 uPVC Window Profiles

When investing in new windows for your home, you want to feel confident that you’re investing in replacement windows that have been stringently tested and manufactured by industry leading brands. Here at Ultra Trade Frames, we have come up with our top 5 profiles produce uPVC windows that excel in both their function and form.

1. Liniar

Liniar are a brand that are renowned for their high quality uPVC windows. They use the latest advancements in double glazing to produce replacement windows that excel in their performance. The unique 4 and 6 multichambered profile of the windows ensures superior thermal performance that works to trap warm pockets of air.

Liniar are also an incredibly sustainable brand that works hard to produce uPVC profiles that can be recycled. The modern design of a Liniar window means that after your windows have been replaced, they can be recycled and reused, stopping them from being sent straight to a landfill. By choosing Liniar windows from Ultra Trade Frames, you can be sure that your replacement windows are the perfect cost-effective and eco-friendly solution.

Liniar uPVC Windows Suffolk

2. Rehau

Rehau are also an incredible supplier of uPVC windows. The innovative design and modern materials used to ensure that every homeowner receives high quality replacement windows that excel in their performance. They offer a range of stylish energy efficient and double glazed window systems that allow anyone to enhance your home both visually and functionally.

uPVC windows manufactured by REHAU contain a unique compound that ensures a smooth, high gloss finish that lets your replacement windows retain their pristine aesthetic for many years to come. They are the ideal low maintenance solution that will not rot, warp, fade or crack after years of use. In accordance with BS7412 and BS6375 regulations, REHAU uPVC windows offer the highest quality of performance that you desire for you or your clients home.

REHAU uPVC Windows suffolk

3. Residence Collection

The Residence Collection provides a unique range of uPVC windows that boast an array of visual and performance features that differ from other leading brands. Their R9 and R7 windows are ideal for period or traditional style properties that are after characteristic charm. The unique designs have been carefully manufactured to replicate 19th Century timber designs authentically.

The stylish and decorative interior and traditionally elegant flush exterior create a classic and timeless aesthetic that is perfect for any style of property. Produced with British architecture in mind, there are an array of bespoke options that can match the architecture of grand stately homes, Georgian and Victorian properties, as well as new builds and modern homes.

Residence Windows Suffolk

4. Profile 22

Profile 22 offer market leading uPVC windows that are ideal for simply updating the appearance of a home as well as enhancing the way a home performs. They offer their uPVC windows in a range of bespoke colours and finishes, allowing consumers to generate designs that are incredibly bespoke and unique. Whether you or your clients are after a more subdued look or would prefer something a bit bolder, Profile 22 has the perfect replacement windows for you.

To give all their client’s peace of mind, their uPVC windows have Secured by Design accreditation. The police backed scheme ensures that all new windows have been stringently tested to make sure they offer unrivalled standards of security and protection. The industry leading manufacturer have also been awarded ISO: 9001 for quality management, ISO: 14001 for environmental policies. They have also been accredited with BES6001 for responsible resourcing of raw materials and consumables.

Profile 22 uPVC Windows Suffolk

5. Halo

Halo has been providing uPVC windows to consumers that excel in their performance and provide visually stunning aesthetics. With several years of experience working within the double glazing industry, the innovative design of their windows and modern technologies used to ensure that each and every customer is guaranteed new windows that only offer the best standard of quality.

Boasting several unique performance benefits, the uPVC windows offer incredible durability, security and weatherproofing. The bespoke windows come with a unique five chambered design that offers unrivalled standards of thermal performance. This guarantees excellent insulation all year round, which will also help you to save money on your future energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

Halo uPVC Windows Suffolk

uPVC Windows from Ultra Trade Frames

If you’re interested in upgrading you or your clients home with supply only uPVC windows, then you’ve come to the right place. As our top 5 shows, we work with only the best manufacturers to ensure that every customer is left with a set of replacement windows they can be proud of.

For more information on the styles of uPVC windows we offer, get in touch with our team today. You can give us a call on 01284 700 811 or send us a message via our online contact form. You can also get a free and personalised quote for any of our uPVC window styles using our online quoting engine. Simply enter in your specifications and receive your quote in minutes.



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