uPVC Windows Cambridge

uPVC Windows Cambridge

uPVC Windows in Cambridge

A new set of uPVC windows is the perfect addition to any Cambridge property. At Ultra Trade Frames, we work with highly reputable manufacturers to ensure that you have access to the ideal windows for your building project.

Whether you are a DIY enthusiast who is renovating their home or a double glazing installer, our uPVC windows will be perfect for your project. Stay on this page to find out more about our uPVC windows for Cambridge tradesmen.

Liniar uPVC Windows Cambridge

Liniar’s uPVC window frames offer excellent performance across the board, making them a suitable choice for any property and any customer.

The Liniar range features a multi-chambered profile, which is engineered specifically to be energy efficient. Achieving a significant A+14 Windows Energy Rating score, these windows deliver incredible thermal efficiency for any Cambridge homeowner.

Additionally, Liniar’s uPVC windows have been designed to the highest standards of security. Fitted with a top-of-the-range Yale multi-point lock system, they offer optimum security. These windows are inherently robust, with no need to add additional steel reinforcements, which makes them hold up extremely well under attack.

These windows are designed with customisation in mind. The Liniar range is available in a huge range of colours, woodgrain foils and decorative glazing, meaning there are uPVC windows for every customer. Due to the high number of customisation possibilities with these windows, they are suitable for any Cambridge home.

The Liniar range offers:

uPVC Windows Cambridge

REHAU Windows Cambridge

As well suited to a more traditional property as they are a more modern one, the REHAU range of uPVC windows are an excellent choice. These doors are designed to be thermally efficient, secure and durable while also requiring an extremely low level of maintenance.

An incredibly thermally efficient range, REHAU uPVC windows feature an ‘A’ energy rating as standard. This offers your customer market-leading thermal efficiency. The benefits of a warmer home and a lower energy bill are ideal for any Cambridge homeowner.

REHAU uPVC windows are an inherently robust and secure choice for a new build or as a replacement for a pre-existing window. These windows feature multi-point locking systems and extremely robust double glazing to offer your customer the highest standard of home security.

This range offers over 150 colours and finishes, meaning there is a window to suit any customer and any building project. Whether it is a crisp white or a more rustic woodgrain, REHAU offers the perfect window to suit any taste.

Lightweight and durable, these windows are engineered specifically for quick and easy installation, making them a popular choice for trade and retail alike. Our REHAU windows perfectly complement our range of REHAU doors.

The REHAU range features:

uPVC Windows Cambridge

Halo uPVC Windows Cambridge

Halo uPVC windows are a cost-effective, high quality product, familiar with Cambridge homeowners and double glazing fitters alike. These windows strike a perfect balance between exemplary performance and affordability.

The Halo range is extremely energy efficient and achieves low U-values. Therefore, your customers save money on their heating bills while maintaining the temperature of their homes throughout the harsh British winter.

These uPVC windows have achieved accreditation following PAS 24: 2012. This ensures the security and protection of your clients’ homes, making them a widely popular choice in Cambridge and throughout the United Kingdom.

Extremely customisable, the Halo range promises a window to suit every customer’s preferences. Customers can choose from a wide variety of colours, designs and decorative accents to tailor a bespoke door precisely to their specifications.

Made in Cambridge, these windows make for high speed turnarounds and are perfectly easy and quick to install. Complete your building projects time-effectively and unobtrusively.

Available from the Halo range are:

uPVC Windows Cambridge Prices

If you would like to receive a free, no-strings-attached quote for our products, please visit our online quote engine. A member of our experienced team will be on hand to deliver a quote to your exact specifications promptly.

If you would like any further information about our uPVC windows or other products, please contact us and a member of our experienced team will help to find you the perfect windows to suit your project.


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